And Let Me Know...

When you smile i can read your heart
And i know you'r happy
I never try to push your lips to say everything
Coz i can read your heart deeply...

And let me know about you closely...
You just stay with me and feel the wind with your skin
Don't know how long you can stay,
I'm so thankful for everytime you want to be with me..

And let me know about you closely...
And let me try to make you smile and laugh
And dont feel so sorry for every mistake that you made

Because every tears that i have..
It will disappear when i saw your heart full of love..

Lils, 11:56 PM
Jkt, 12 May 2010

And let me know who are you???.....:D


  1. ini bisa jd lirik lagu ya.. yg par 3 jadi ref

  2. bikinin dunk liriknya ...hehehehe....

  3. gw gak dikasih notify di email kalau udh direply, jd gak enak jg ya blogspot. notifynya cuma ke yg punya blog, trus waktu dia udh reply, yg direply gak dikasih tau :(

  4. btw, gw blm reply comment diatas ya :D liriknya itu udh bagus kok, tinggal nadanya..

  5. iya rik..gk ada notify buat yg comment..xixixixi...

    bikinin dunk nada jg mau latian d cari nada ;))....


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